Choose another country or region.


Chat as if your team, vendors, partners, and customers are in one room.

Maintain confidentiality by conversing privately in chat groups

You can now converse privately with select group members. Your messages and attachments will only be visible to them. Hence, you can now have diverse teams in one group without compromising on confidentiality and privacy. 

Arkchat messaging app: Maintain confidentiality by chatting privately with select group members
Arkchat messaging app: Maintain confidentiality by chatting privately with select group members

Increase productivity by unleashing the power of generative AI in day-to-day messaging

Use Arkchat Generative AI Bot to unlock insights and find solutions as you do on ChatGPT. Discuss solutions with your team, assign them as tasks, or seek approval on them, all through day-to-day messaging.

Increase productivity by unleashing the power of generative AI in day-to-day messaging
Arkchat messaging app: Increase productivity by using Generative Ai in messaging. Mobile screen image

Cross-border communication made easy

Arkchat automatically translates messages into every group member’s first language, making it easy for your team to converse with international customers, vendors, and teams.

ArkChat messaging app - Cross-border communication made easy
ArkChat messaging app - Cross-border communication made easy

Organise group messages to keep your team on the same page.

Don’t scroll through thousands of group messages. Organise group messages topic-wise for relevance, easy retrieval, and tracking of every topic’s conversation history.

Organise group messages to keep your team on the same page.
Arkchat messaging app: View group conversations topic wise

Keep business communication and documents private

Arkchat encrypts your messages. Your vendors, partners, and customers only view messages and attachments meant for them, even when they’re in one group. When you remove team members, they instantly lose access to your data.

Arkchat messaging app: Keep your messages and documents private in chat groups.

Make business messaging more powerful

Your business productivity is directly related to the quality of communications amongst your team, vendors, partners, and customers. Don’t compromise it by using social messaging apps for business communication.

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