Scattered discussions and scattered files, can you find them easily?
100s of messages in a group daily, and multiple groups, for every project! Can you easily find a conversation you had 22 days ago about the V4 drawing of your client’s living room?
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Arkchat solves some of the pressing problems you face today as a professional firm owner in the Architecture, Engineering, & Construction industry. You face these problems despite using a messaging platform, a task, or a project management tool to manage your projects and social media platforms to grow your business.
What follows are nine problems that are now solved to make your firm more efficient and profitable.
For every project, you create multiple messaging groups for your client, designers, PMC professionals, engineers, and contractor teams. That’s because everyone can read every message. Members in different groups can’t converse with each other, and members in the same group can’t converse privately. Hence, communication gaps arise, slowing the pace of work.
SolutionCreate one group for every project. Now, you can converse privately with select group members. Being in one group allows diverse team members to collaborate efficiently without compromising privacy.
100s of messages in a group daily, and multiple groups, for every project! Can you easily find a conversation you had 22 days ago about the V4 drawing of your client’s living room?
In your project groups, organise conversations and documents topic-wise for easy reference. In a home project group, make the living room, bedroom, kitchen, etc., into topics and organise conversations, drawings, designs, BOQs, snag images, videos, etc., about these topics for easy reference.
Your FF&E team spends too much time selecting products. That’s because they can only communicate with sellers over email. All of us know that responses to emails are slow
SolutionFind new product sellers on the Arkchat marketplace and click a button to shortlist them. We automatically create a buyer/seller group where you can collaborate on product customisation, pricing, delivery, installation, and more.
Invite your preferred product sellers to join your project groups. Collaborate with them like they’re part of your project team.
Save hundreds of studio hours on meetings and follow-ups and eliminate delayed email responses.
You need more team members when you have more projects and fewer team members when you have fewer projects. Increasing and decreasing team size quickly is a challenge.
SolutionNow, find and collaborate with freelancers from the growing community of professionals on Arkchat. You’ll find highly skilled resources from developing countries at competitive rates.