Get new business leads and collaborate with buyers to close deals

Get new business leads and collaborate with buyers to close deals
  • Marketing
  • Written by Chetan K Singh


There are two types of platforms for promoting your service or products. The first is e-commerce platforms, where buyers add items to carts and check out after making payments. The second type is marketplaces that connect buyers with sellers. Most marketplaces connect buyers to sellers by giving sellers’ details to buyers. Buyers can then directly contact sellers over email or phone.

Arkchat innovation 
Arkchat integrates a marketplace with a business messaging platform. This integration kills two birds with one stone. Firstly, it lets business teams that are using Arkchat to manage their business also find new vendors. Secondly, when business teams shortlist vendors, Arkchat automatically generates business leads for the shortlisted sellers.

This is how  buyer/seller collaboration works:
When browsing Arkchat Marketplace, business teams click ‘Collaborate’ against any product or service listing, Arkchat automatically creates a buyer/seller chat group. The buyer and seller teams can now collaborate in this group to discuss business and close deals.

Why is lead conversion difficult in many marketplaces?
When you list your service or product on a marketplace and converse with prospective buyers over email, converting the lead into a sale is difficult because emails are either not replied to or replied to late. Presale conversations over email are slow and cumbersome.

List easily and convert leads into sales
Arkchat lets you list your services or products for free. Listing is easy because you don’t have to provide much information. Arkchat generates ‘hot leads’ and not simply leads because when business teams search for vendors, they are genuinely interested in purchasing.  

Expand your market and sell where you get the best price
Everyone benefits by buying from countries that offer low-cost and high-quality products and services and selling where buyers pay more for products or services. By listing your product or service on Arkchat, you can venture into new markets, including countries where buyers pay a higher price.

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