
Arkchat Vs. MS Teams

Why does it Matter?

Arkchat Vs. MS Teams

  • Features
  • Arkchat
  • Arkchat Vs. MS Teams
  • Why does it Matter?
Manage operations and projects
  • Direct and group messaging
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Email communication has limitations. Business messaging platforms help teams communicate with each other instantly.
  • Multilingual messaging
  • Yes
  • No
  • Automatic multilingual messaging is necessary for cross-border communication. It helps you communicate with group members who speak different languages.
  • Private messaging in groups
  • Yes
  • No
  • A business messaging group has diverse members, including senior and junior team members, vendors, partners, and customers. Everyone should be able to exchange messages privately in groups to keep messages and respective attachments private.
  • Organise group conversations and attachments.
  • Yes
  • No
  • When messages and attachments are organised topic-wise, tracking conversation history becomes possible in groups/channels. Group/channel members can access documents easily because they’re organised topic-wise, which results in increased productivity.
  • Convert any message to a trackable task with one click.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Tracking tasks is essential to managing your business. Tasks are assigned verbally or through email, and messages can't be tracked. Managing tasks through task management in MS Teams is difficult because you have to create tasks manually. On the other hand, when messages are converted to tasks, tasks are created automatically and effortlessly at no extra cost.
  • Convert any message to a trackable approval request with one click
  • Yes
  • No
  • "Some examples of approval requests are “please approve the attached document" and "Is the price quoted by me acceptable?" Tracking approvals is as important as tracking tasks. Juniors seek approvals from seniors, and seniors seek approvals from clients. Whether your business is small or large, uncountable approvals are sought by your team members, vendors and partners. Every delayed or disputed approval impacts your business, moreover, approvals given over email can’t be tracked and are difficult to retrieve, while verbal approvals may be disrupted or forgotten.
  • Make Generative AI a part of your day-to-day messaging and workflows.
  • Yes
  • No
  • People use generative AI applications like ChatGPT to retrieve information and assist them with writing, market research, and solving day-to-day problems.Making generative AI a part of your messaging platform will help you instantly share generative AI findings with others. Doing so is all the more impactful when you convert generative AI output to approval requests or convert it to tasks. Making generative AI a part of your day-to-day messaging and workflows can make you and your business much more productive.
  • Access Google and YouTube inside your messaging platform.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Being able to search on Google and YouTube inside your messaging platform and sharing results with a click will increase your productivity. Making Google and YouTube searches a part of your approval seeking and assigning tasks workflows, will help you easily manage your business.
  • When your organisation needs new vendors, find freelancers, firms that provide professional services, and product sellers inside your messaging platform and collaborate with them during the purchase consideration process.
  • Yes
  • No
  • An integrated marketplace with your messaging platform helps you find, connect, and collaborate with freelancers, professional firms, and product sellers from across the world. Finding and collaborating with vendors through messaging makes the vendor selection process quick and easy. Finding new vendors for every project is essential in many businesses, like design and construction, event management, etc.
Get new business
  • Get business leads and collaborate with buyers on a messaging platform.
  • Yes
  • No
  • The combination of a marketplace with a messaging platform has many advantages for users like you. On the one hand, if you’re a firm owner, you can post your professional service and if you’re a solo practitioner you can post your freelance service. If you’re a manufacturer or a dealer, you can also post your products and if you’re an art seller or an artist you can post your artwork and showcase your offerings. While on the other hand, you can collaborate with buyers while pitching your products or services.Marketplace + messaging makes possible advanced-level team collaboration between your and the buyers' team. Customising products or services through advanced team collaboration makes it much easier to quickly close deals.
Marketing branding and social Networking
  • Use a messaging platform as a social media platform to connect with other users.
  • Yes
  • No
  • When a messaging platform has an integrated marketplace, having built-in social media capabilities helps you connect with other users. You’ll post your products or services once, but you can regularly post videos, photos, and other content to create brand recall and build a positive perception in users’ minds. Gradually, other users will start recognising your business and having confidence in your offerings.
  • Users can’t forward your messages and documents to others
  • Yes
  • No
  • When people with whom you communicate in groups or through DMs forward your messages and attachments to other contacts, it compromises your business. This problem looms when you use social messaging platforms
  • When you remove team members from your messaging account, they lose access to all earlier messages and attachments.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • It is important that your team members lose access to your messages and attachments when they leave your organisation. When they lose access, you maintain data confidentiality.