Management of Projects Through Everyday Messaging

  • Messaging & Collaboration
  • Written by Chetan K Singh

For management of projects ,the following technologies are necessary:

  • Seamless team collaboration between your team and vendors, partners, and customers.
  • An efficient task management system.
  • Adoption of generative AI to increase productivity.

While the above are necessary for every business, most businesses struggle to implement them.


Problems Faced by Businesses

Almost all businesses use a messaging platform to communicate quickly with their team, vendors, partners, and customers. However, as most messaging platforms lack some of the core ingredients necessary for seamless team collaboration, businesses don’t achieve optimum efficiency. For example, business teams can’t have private conversations with select group members on most messaging platforms, and conversations are also not organised systematically for easy retrieval.

95% of businesses don’t use a task management system due to its cost and the effort required to create and manage tasks. As a result, they manage tasks verbally or sometimes use spreadsheets.

Most businesses wish to adopt generative AI; however, the cost of generative AI applications for businesses remains high, keeping the technology out of reach.


The Arkchat team has done deep research on how to make business messaging more powerful. We realise that adopting multiple tools and platforms is difficult and cumbersome for most businesses. To solve this problem, we have innovated so you can manage your projects just by sending and receiving messages. These innovations are as follows:

Converse privately with select group members. 

Your team members can converse privately with colleagues, vendors, partners, and customers in groups. The conversations and shared files are only accessible to select group members. As a result, your team can collaborate easily with concerned internal and external group members while keeping information private and confidential.

Organise group conversations and Files

You can organise your group conversations and files topic-wise for easy reference and retrieval. This helps to track conversation history related to specific topics.

Converse in your first language 

You can converse with your team, vendors, partners, and customers in your first language. This helps in cross-border team collaboration and acts as automatic translation in action.

Convert messages to tasks

You can convert day-to-day messages to your team, vendors, and customers into tasks at the click of a button. Now, you can track who’s doing what, what’s pending, and what’s done. Task management analytics also becomes readily available in real time.

Convert messages to approval requests

You can also convert day-to-day messages to your team, vendors, and customers into approval requests at the click of a button. Now, you can track what’s approved, pending, or rejected. Approval management analytics also become readily available in real-time. Approvals help avoid vendor, partner, and customer disputes, help maintain corporate governance, and, at the same time, improve productivity.

Make Generative AI a part of your workflow

You and your team can use generative AI to improve productivity, just like you use ChatGPT. Share your findings with your team through messages, assign them as tasks, or seek approval on them.

Arkchat makes it possible to manage your business or projects efficiently through day-to-day messaging while keeping your technology costs low.

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